четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

SA: Toyota looks to China to boost exports

SA: Toyota looks to China to boost exports

ADELAIDE, April 8 AAP - Toyota Australia hopes to add China to its growing list ofexport countries.

The company said today it wanted to ship Melbourne-built Camrys to China to furtherbolster its export trade, which rose to a record $1.4 billion last year.

But general manager of exports and distribution, Tony Barlow, admitted the task wouldnot be easy.

"With the introduction of the new model Camry during the third quarter of 2002, ToyotaAustralia hopes to further expand its opportunities overseas and our international mindsethas now extended to China," Mr Barlow said in a statement.

"This task will not be easy and we are faced with strong competition from other Toyotaplants from around the world."

Toyota officials, federal Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane and the Australian Ambassadorto China David Irvine were in China at the weekend to hand over six Camrys to be usedby Australian government agencies in Beijing.

Toyota said it hoped that providing the Australian agencies with the cars would assistthe company in gathering vital information on the Chinese market and its unique requirements.

Mr Barlow said Toyota had also been encouraged by the Australian government to looktowards China as an export destination and it welcomed that assistance.

In 2001, Toyota exported almost 60,000 vehicles to 33 different markets with the largestshare going to various Middle East countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emiratesand Kuwait.

AAP tjd/was


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