WASHINGTON D.C. - Reserve Officers Association (ROA) members are sponsoring mobilized non-member Reserve officers for one and two-year memberships by signing up for ROA's "Sponsor a Mobilized Reservist Today" campaign. "Sponsor a Mobilized Reservist Today" (SMRT - pronounced "smart") started during the summer of 2005 as a way for ROA members to thank mobilized Reserve officers, who are not ROA members, for their service and sacrifice.
For non-members, SMRT provides easy access to the ROA family and all the benefits it offers.
To qualify as an ROA member, candidates must be federally recognized commissioned officers, warrant officers, or their spouses from the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, Marine Corps, Public Health Service, or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ROA members, who sponsor mobilized officers for memberships, receive a tax-deductible donation.
For additional information on the ROA's SMRT Program, contact LTC Michael Boone, at 800-809-9448, ext. 727, or email mbooneiaroa.org.
[Author Affiliation]
By Lou Lew
Reserve Officers Association
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